Missions & Ministries

First Baptist Church of Elston is committed to following obediently the call of Christ to take the gospel to our community, our state, our nation, and the world!

We pray intentionally for those who need the Gospel, and we give sacrificially to the missions listed below.

We are a community of people who serve and secure the principles of our faith by learning to center our lives on Jesus by loving God and loving others.

We  offer the following ministries  and resources to broaden your spiritual knowledge.


Annie Armstrong
Charles Box Located in FBC-Elston lobby is for Food Donation for various local food pantries
This box was founded by and in memory of former Deacon Charles Dunn
Concord Baptist Association
Lottie Moon
Missouri Baptist Children's Home
Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief
Missouri Baptist Home
Missouri Missions
Samaritan Center
Samaritans Purse -Shoebox Ministry



Concord Baptist Association
Missouri Baptist Convention
Southern Baptist Convention
The Gideons International